Check your car for outstanding Recalls

All Electric Garages realise your vehicle's safety aspects are a high priority for nearly all drivers regardless of the vehicles age. Like many of our other services we always try to think of new ways to provide outstanding service and to make as much information easily accessible to our customers as possible,
so we have put into practice another great idea which came from our service manager at Kings Heath Chris Jones - Recall Checker was Chris's idea of providing a service where a customer could enter the details of there car and we would carry out full outstanding recall checks...

regardless of whether the customer had been to us previously or not.

This is how the scheme works:

Any customer can easily follow the "Recall Checker" link from our home page which will navigate them to a specific page where there is a simple submission form to fill out. This form is then emailed to the appropriate member of staff at a specific branch which is decided from the details the customer has entered. From the information provided we use our manufacturer dedicated computer systems to check for any outstanding recalls and safety related recalls on the chosen vehicle. A member of staff will then contact the customer either via telephone or email depending on what the customer decided as their method of contact and inform then of the results from the recall check.

An advisor will then make appropriate actions and arrange a booking with the customer to proceed with completing the outstanding recalls at no cost to the customer. To minimise inconvenience to the customer we can arrange a collection and delivery service or provide a courtesy vehicle to keep the customer mobile. We will then carry out the required recall to the manufacturers specification and submit a Warranty claim Which also informs the manufacturer that the particular vehicle has been addressed.

We believe this will offer a unique service to drivers as many are not aware of any outstanding recalls on the cars untill they visit a dealership which can be as little as once every 24 months. That customer may not be aware that there is an urgent safety related recall outstanding on their vehicle which they have not been aware of for nearly 2 years.

Manufacturers try all ways possible to contact affected vehicles they have on record but many customers may have the wrong address details recorded, moved house or even sold the car on to somebody else resulting in thousands of cars and owners not being contactable.

With Recall Checker we can help minimise this percentage and offer customers a full comprehensive check with no costs involved, all we require is a registration number and a method of contact. We do advise customers to submit the VIN (chassis) number if available as this will reduce the time to carry out the necessary searches.

Please feel free to complete a submission form as most manufacturer recalls have no age and mileage restriction, so the car you are driving now that may be out of manufacturing warranty, may still have outstanding recalls needing urgent attention.

We advise drivers to take a few seconds to complete the form as it's your life behind the wheel.

All Electric Garages Recall Checker - your safety is our priority for Citroen recalls - Hyundai recalls - Skoda recalls - Suzuki recalls - Renault recalls - Mutsubishi recalls - Mitsubishi Ralliart recalls and Peugeot recalls

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